Saturday, August 16, 2008

Your damn tevee set

Beer it up ya pigs-ya don't fool me with your wattayacallits all throbbin for some dangerous sports but a comfortable evening like phony Henry David Thoreaus running back to mommy for a roast beef, not worrying about doing the laundry and waiting for it to dry like I did or having the Plymouth seize up on you right there at your girlfriend's house with her angry dad waiting for a reason to tell her to go back to Mr. Football Dickhead. You guys never had to go through this and tha's why I thing you're jerk-offs. But fuck you rich kids. Fuck you I got bigger things to deal with.

Things like, what happened to me during the 25 years since I have started having this thought. Which, by the way I still have all those thoughts; none of them ever left my head. I keep plenty of room in there for them because number one it's as big as a warehouse and number two I throw away all the things that matter to the rest of the world that I don't get like what the heck is an atom I don't care. None of you are listening but if you are listening I think you're jerks and I haven't forgotten what it was like with the damn Elvis Costello music until 2:00 am and the hauling me out in the snow naked because of what I did to JK. And by the way JK needed to be taught he wasn't cock-of-the-rock but the message doesn't get through to him when you all take his side like that. Yeah, it was 25 years ago but I didn't forget. Just like CR probably remembers me flushing his stupid Men at Work down the toilet. Screw him and his stupid tv set. I wanted to kill him when that thing showed up.